With exams looming, I’m afraid my productivity has massively decreased. Hopefully that will change with the week or so of holiday we get straight after, but until then I just thought I’d post something random.

You can ask my friends- I’m always on a mission to get them crafting, whether it’s knitting, crocheting, or anything else really. It got me wondering, what holds people back from doing something, anything?

I guess sometimes its because you don’t have the right equipment. Remember wanting to make that castle off Art Attack but not having an empty egg box to hand? Finding a tutorial but not having the right needle? Or, I know I’m guilty of it, not starting revision until you’re equipped with all the right coloured pens? Ok, so some of that’s just being a bit… OTT, but I have found that not having the ‘right’ things stops me from doing something. But like they say:

Necessity is the mother of invention

I actually started cable knitting using a crochet needle as my cable needle and ribbon embroidery with a tapestry needle rather than a chenille. I have a friend who started knitting with kebab skewers! And why not? I’m not saying that real knitting needles aren’t worth investing in, but it’s better to have started something than to put it off, never to be picked up again. What I’m trying to say is- don’t let anything hold you back.

Vases at the wedding? Nope! We used a mix of beer glasses from IKEA (Pictured: MJOD, pack of 6, £3.99)

It’s a great way to save money (especially in weddings!) and more importantly a great way to approach life. Think outside of the box and you’ll be sure to discover something new.


little pomegranate

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